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Organization Roles, Groups and Users


Groups are the best way to assign roles and permissions in HIVE. Groups are managed on the GROUPS page of the USERS and GROUPS area.

Default Group

For organizations just starting, a default group named “Everyone” is created which will contain all current and any new 'active' users.

The default group is indicated by text, ‘(Default)’, appended to the name.

Everyone Group (Default)

This default group can be renamed if desired however, some features will not be available such as:

  • deletion of the default group
  • removal of users from the default group

Creating Groups

  1. Above the group list, click the new group icon at the upper-right.
  2. Enter a name (required) and description if desired.
  3. Optionally, save the group and proceed to the “Select Roles and Groups” step.

Managing Groups

  1. Click the row of the group then EDIT or simply click the pencil icon.
  2. Make desired changes to name and description.
  3. Optionally, save the change and proceed to the “Select Roles and Groups” step.

To remove one or more groups completely, check the box(es) at the beginning of the row and click the large X icon at the upper-right.


Creating Users

  1. Navigate to the USERS page from the USERS AND GROUPS area on the HIVE portal.
  2. Click the “New User” icon → new user
  3. Fill in the details… email and password are required.
  4. Click continue to “Select Roles and Groups”. If continuing is successful, roles and groups can be assigned. This step can also be performed later.

The newly added user account will be sent an email with instructions for finishing the setup of their account. If the new user does not receive an email within an hour, ask them to check the SPAM folder of their email client for a message from

The Office and Department values are displayed in analytics data and can be useful to display users by location or department.

Batch User Import

  1. Browse to USERS.
  2. Download the users and groups spreadsheet and fill in the details for the users and groups. Import
  3. In the upper right, click Import Users. Import
  4. On the Import form, click in the upload file text box to browse. Choose the users and groups spreadsheet.
  5. Click the “UPLOAD FILE” button to publish the list. Note, the import may take some time to process on the service.

This spreadsheet can be used to add more users. If the user is listed but already exists in HIVE, it will be skipped.

Managing Users

User management is performed on the USERS page. To edit a user, click the pencil icon near the start of the row. Alternatively, click anywhere on the row to view basic details then, click the EDIT button on that form.

NOTE: Occasionally, a user may be inadvertently disabled, usually because of too many failed password attempts. To remedy this, filter the list of users to 'Disabled' status. Search for the user by name and click the 'Edit' button to change their status. Save the change and verify that the user is again able to log in.

Setting a User Active

IMPORTANT: The email associated with the account can be changed only by using the export/import function.

User Profiles

Each account on the HIVE platform has a unique set of properties comprising a “Profile”. Some properties can be edited by the owner of the account, an account assigned with the User Admin role and Organization Admins.

  1. To view and change your own profile, log in to the HIVE Portal and click on the username in the upper-right.
  2. Choose “Profile” from the menu that appears.
  3. Make changes to the editable fields.
  4. Click SAVE.

Organization Roles

The organization roles are not specific to any particular application (like CMS or Requests). They primarily apply to operations on the HIVE Portal.

Organization Role Permissions

  • Organization Admin: Can do everything for the organization.
  • License Admin: Can manage subscriptions to services and products for the organization as well as view product usage reports on the dashboard.
  • User Admin: Can manage groups, users and assign roles. They can also view user statistics on the dashboard.
  • Project Admin: Can manage projects and paths. Can add groups and users to projects. Can view project reports on the dashboard. Jump to Project Roles
  • CMS Admin: Can set up the content management system. Can add and delete libraries. Can manage users, assign managers and invite users. Jump to CMS Roles
  • Request Admin: Can manage and remove requests for all users of the organization. Go to Adminstrating HIVE Requests

Assigning Roles

Roles can be assigned directly to a user account or to a user group. Assignment to groups is the recommended method as it makes tracking and management easier.

Group Role Assignment

  1. Go to the GROUPS page of the USERS and GROUPS.
  2. Click the row of the desired group or the pencil icon to EDIT.
  3. At the top of the group details, click on step 2 “Select Roles and Members”.
  4. Check the box next to the desired roles - this will assign the roles to all members of the group.
  5. Click SAVE to apply the roles.

User Role Assignment

  1. Find the user in the list and click the pencil icon to Edit the user.
  2. At the top of the user details, click on step 2 “Select Roles and Groups”.
  3. Check the box next to the desired roles - this will assign the roles to this user only.
  4. Click SAVE to apply the roles.
hive/nexusadministration.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/03 18:46 by jeffdavidson