BIM Project Suite™ 2023


This product will work in Revit® 2023 as well as 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 15 $410
16 - 25 7.32 % $380
26+ 14.63 % $350
BIM Project Tools Make Everyday Revit® Tasks Easier

The BIM Project Suite™ for Autodesk Revit contains over 19 of the best Revit add-ins available. This collection helps users automate routine tasks, analyze complex modeling scenarios, extract model data and much more in a lot less time, all within the Revit environment. BIM Project Suite is meant for everyday users of all skill levels, and is used by firms of all sizes.

What Can I Use These Revit® Tools Everyday For?

Click on any one of the tools listed below for videos and information about that tool. Purchase or download a free trial of the BIM Project Suite for 14 days. After the trial period, the free tools will continue to work. Network floating licenses, standalone licenses and upgrades are available.

Length Calculator

About Length Calculator

A Revit add-in designed to assist during the design phase of duct, pipe, conduit or cable tray layout by quickly calculating the length of a run.

The Pain Point

Older versions of Revit do not calculate how long a duct or pipe run
is without the user having to go in and calculate each piece.

Key Features

Quickly calculate a run length by selecting the elements in a run.
Also generate an accurate segment count in the selected

Intended Audience

-Everyday Revit users
-MEP users

Competitive Advantage

Tells you how long a duct or pipe run is without you having to calculate each piece.

Quick Select

Enables Specific Selections

A Revit add-in that selects elements by filtering specific categories or parameter values. Searched elements that match filter criteria can either be added to, removed from or replace the currently selected items.

Key Features

It may be desirable to refine a selection with more granularity than can be achieved by a single pass through the Quick Select interface. If additional filtering is needed, Quick Select can be run as many times as needed, each time taking the previous selection and modifying it by either adding or removing elements.

Selecting Elements

The first step in using Quick Select is to decide how to apply the filter. Quick Select has the ability to build a new selection, add to an existing selection, remove items from an existing selection, or replace the current selection altogether.


The three options in the “Apply Filter To” dropdown are listed below and determine which elements will be considered in the selection filter.

  • Project – All elements in the active project
  • Active View – Only elements from the Active view
  • Current Selection – Only elements in the current selection

Provides a fast and simple way to renumber your rooms and doors. Auto-swapping avoids duplicates. Alphanumeric sequential numbering is supported. Add separators and suffixes to room and door numbers.

Numbering Rooms

To number rooms, enter a room number in the “Start sequence with” textbox. The sequence can be alphanumeric but should always end with a number if no suffix is specified. The “Suffix” textbox can hold a single letter or a number. The “Separator” and the “Suffix” fields are optional; however, it is required to have a suffix if a separator is defined.

Numbering Doors

There are two ways to number doors, either utilizing sequential numbering or using the “To Room” and “From Room” properties of a door. By default, the sequential door numbering option is selected. For sequential door numbering, enter a number in the “Start sequence with” textbox and check the “Auto Swap” checkbox, if you want to automatically swap the door number to avoid duplicates. Finally, click the “Start” button to select the doors from the active document. The number entered in the “Start sequence with” textbox will increment by one on the selection of each door. Remember, only numeric values are allowed for the sequential door numbering.

Revit Properties

Displays Revit File Information

Unlike the other tools in BIM Project Suite, Revit Properties does not actually run within Revit. Instead, it modifies the Windows Explorer / File Explorer interface to provide access to basic data about Revit project files, family files, project template files and family template files, and lets you open those files in the installed version of Revit you choose.

Key Features

The free Revit Properties tool in CTC’s BIM Project Suite modifies the Windows Explorer / File Explorer interface to quickly provide access to basic data about Revit files by simply right-clicking on them and selecting the “Revit Properties” choice from the Explorer pop-up menu.

Revit Properties will show you information about the Revit file, including the version of Revit last used to save the file, and also things like worksharing information.

Only versions of Revit that are installed for the same or later version of Revit that last saved the file will be on the list of choices.

Revit Properties will let you “Create New Local” from a central file in the same manner that Revit does, however it cannot open a project “Detatched from central” nor can it allow you to choose which worksets to open, or to open the file with auditing turned on.

Even with those limitations, it’s still a very handy free tool!

View Aligner


Revit’s native view alignment can be a little frustrating. There are very few alignment points, and rarely are they useful for views. Instead of the basic drag alignment, View Aligner allows explicit Edge, Center and internal level alignment across multiple views. This works both on a single sheet, and across multiple sheets. Streamline sheet assembly with this simple free tool today.

Key Features

  • View Aligner offers effortless alignment of views on a sheet
  • Provide easy workflow to align views across multiple sheets with only a couple mouse clicks
  • Enables alignment of views, schedules and text on sheets
  • Use the levels in views to align views by level objects instead of view borders
Fab Sheets
Fabrication Documentation Process

Group elements by a parameter value, create scope boxes for each group, generate views based on the scope boxes and then place the views onto sheets.

The Pain Point

There is certainly no “easy button” for creating, naming and managing views for fabrication in Revit. With all the view names, filters, sheets and settings required to get things right to produce construction-ready documents it is easy to miss something along the way.

Key Features

Manage view settings

The settings dialog is used to configure parameters, view templates and filters that drive the graphic output of the views.

Graphical grouping

Adding custom colors makes it easy to assign elements to groups. Fab Sheets builds and maintains filters that color code elements as they get assigned.

Fire Rating
Create Life Safety Plans

Fire Rating has tools to assign values to the fire rating property, map line types to each fire rating and generate graphics for plan views.

Key Features


The “Mappings” tab is used to tie existing Revit line styles and/or wall tags to the “Fire Rating” property values that exist within each project. For each “Fire Rating” property, there will be a dropdown box to select an existing line style and another dropdown box to select an existing wall tag. These mappings will be used to generate the graphics as described on the next tab.

Generating graphics

Once fire ratings and mappings have been defined, graphics can be generated using the “Graphics” tab. On the left side of the “Graphics” tab, a tree view displays plan views from the active Revit project. Select the views from the tree for which graphics should be generated.

Graphics maintenance

Generated graphics are static and will not automatically update if the model changes. To keep graphics in sync with current model geometry, the “Update Graphics” or “Remove Graphics” buttons can be used. Graphic updates or removal are based on a set of rules in the “Options” dialog.

Invisibility Advisor
Common Challenges
  • Revit users may spend 2-4 hours a week on average resolving object visibility issues
  • Revit has nearly 60 different ways to control object visibility
  • New and experienced Revit users rarely remember to check all the ways before asking for help
  • Often invisibility can be controlled by multiple compounding factors
Solution – Invisibility Advsior
  • Invisibility Advisor can discover the actual factors affecting an object’s invisibility
  • Advice is offered to assist with understanding why the object(s) were not visible
  • In many cases, an instant ‘Fix’ option is available to resolve the visibility issue
  • The Invisibility Advisor can remain on screen while you work, so visibility solutions are available at your fingertips
Return on Investment Realized
  • At $65/hr billable, this can easily equate to $6,700- $13,500/year/user in manual visibility resolution workflows
  • • At even 1 hour per week time savings, Invisibility Advisor can save an average firm $3400/year/Revit user
Model Compare
Compare Project Versions

Model Compare is used to compare two Revit files or the same Revit file at 2 different points in time, to identify differences. It works by taking “snapshots” of Revit files, which are then used to generate comparison results. By utilizing snapshots there is no need to retain full copies of Revit files as a project progresses. Snapshot files are self-contained and small by comparison to a Revit model.

Key Features

Taking snapshots

The most effective use of Model Compare is to take snapshots of desired Revit files. The comparison between two snapshot files is based heavily on Revit element IDs, which would vary from project to project. Periodic snapshots can be used, for example, to identify what changes are being made within a project over the life of the project, or to identify changes made by consultants.

Auto zoom, select & copy

When the Auto Zoom button is enabled, Model Compare will automatically zoom in on the location of a model element within the Revit when that element is selected from the comparison results.


The report function gathers all the information from the comparison results and puts it into a spreadsheet format.

Occupant Flow Analyzer

When calculating room occupancies and egress pathing, we typically have to resort to manual data entry and tools outside the Revit model to provide the required analysis and calculations. To avoid unnecessary steps, CTC’s Occupant Flow Analyzer can run the calculations and generate egress pathing live in the Revit model, to greatly streamline these code calculation tasks.

The Pain Point

Working with Revit can sometimes produce frustrations when all you want is a simple calculation. Room occupancy is often one of those areas. Revit has many ways to handle that, but none of them allow you to practice real BIM. Following that, we have to intelligently analyze the paths building occupants need to take to safely exit the building, making certain that paths fall within local code limitations. This egress analysis needs to account for building partitions, impassable objects, vertical circulation and points of egress. To date, most of these tools run externally from the Revit environment, causing disruption to the design process, when rapid design iterations are needed.

Key Features

Rules based occupancy

Revit and its rounding engine are not always in-line with our needs. Perhaps you need to round by level, by smoke compartment or by some other rule that is custom to your firm. Revit doesn’t necessarily support these rulesets natively. The Occupant Flow Analyzer allows you to specify the rounding rules to ensure you have the correct loads on each room in each egress zone.

Rules based egress targets and load factors

Target selections can be made by the family, family type, or by instances. Once selected, the quantity of people that can pass through that egress point can be either specified or calculated based on factors and parameter values. This provides incredible flexibility in calculating compliance at egress points.

Rules based path analysis

The path an occupant must take to exit the building is produced by many factors. Where are the walls, railings and immobile furniture? Where are there trip hazards like chairs and other interior decoration items? These can all be included or optionally excluded when running egress path analysis.

Scope options

Perhaps a user wants to calculate the travel path from one point to another in the building, or perhaps the entire building needs to be calculated for egress path compliance. The Occupant Flow Analyzer can be used for simple, single path travel or for entire building analysis.

Parameter Jammer

The Family Processor for Everyday Revit Users

Are you using Revit content from manufacturers or sources like BIMObject? Do you, or anyone at your company, struggle with getting your family content to schedule properly?

The Pain Point

Downloaded Revit family content frequently introduces shared parameters into the project that are different from the parameters used in your schedules. These differences cause schedules to display incomplete information.

Key Features

Replaces parameters in the family with the shared parameters from the schedule

With a two-step process to swap the parameters in the family, you can carefully reconcile the differences between the parameters used without destroying existing data.

User friendly

Designed so that Revit users who are unfamiliar with the family editor can successfully prepare a family to be scheduled.

Fast jamming

Manually resolving inconsistent shared parameter usage can be a time consuming task. Parameter Jammer automates as much of the process as possible to save you time.

Two-step approach

The first step automatically swaps parameters that can be safely identified as a match. The second step allows you to map, add or omit parameters that could not be automatically swapped.

Revision Manager
Easily Export Revision Information

This tool lists revision information, including view and sheet associations, and allows the results to be saved to a spreadsheet file. It also identifies which parts of a model were affected by a revision, and validates that revision best practices are being followed.

Key Features


To view by revision location, click the “View Filter” drop down menu. The revisions can be filtered to only show those which appear on views, on sheets, or all revisions. All is the default option. To view only a specific revision number, click the “Revision Filter” drop down menu and select the desired revision number.


The data can be saved to .XLSX, .XLS or .CSV file formats. Choose the format from the “Save as Type” drop down menu.


In the options dialog, the “Validate Issue Dates” option will validate the content of the “Issued” field to verify it is a proper date. This is useful if the revisions are to be sorted by date, as the validated issue date understands how to properly sort year and day information.

Room Data Sheets
Common Challenges
  • Documenting important design information for each room and space such as finishes, fixtures, equipment, and furniture
  • Time consuming process of creating all view types, schedules and sheets required by the project
  • Producing documents in an efficient and consistent manner
  • Managing hundreds of sheets containing room and space data throughout the project
Solution – Room Data Sheets
  • Use for room and space object data collection
  • Generates 3D, Plan, Reflected Ceiling, Elevation, Schedule and Legend views
  • Control naming, order, placement and presentation of views on sheets
  • Preview sheets to be created and adjust spacing, size and scale
  • Save and load settings of previous configurations
  • Spend less time on repetitive tasks associated with creating room and space views
  • Minimal setup: leverage existing title blocks, view templates, schedules and legends
  • Consistent, directed workflow ensures accurate and efficient results
  • Flexible enough to use on Revit projects of all types, sizes and disciplines
Room Family Manager
Manage Family Content with Ease

Room Family Manager enables defining, maintaining, and validating the family content of each room type definition.

  • Build room type definitions in a spreadsheet
  • Build room type definitions from existing Revit rooms
  • Automatically place family content in your model based on room type assignments
  • Validate that rooms in your model contain required families

Key Features

Build room types

A room type, as it pertains to Room Family Manager, defines a specific list of families that must exist in a room. Room type definitions are built in a spreadsheet using a specific format. The spreadsheet workbook can have any number of sheets defined to help organize the room type definitions. Each sheet can have any name, because Room Family Manager will always use all sheets in the workbook.

Assigning room types

Room type assignments are what bind the room type definition to room objects in the Revit model. This assignment is accomplished on the “Assign Room Types” tab in Room Family Manager. On this tab, all of the room objects in the Revit model are listed. Next to each Revit room is a list of the available room types.

Swap families

Placeholder content may eventually need to be replaced with more specific content. The “Swap Families” tab facilitates this replacement on a per-room-type basis.

Schedule XL
Schedule Creation from Spreadsheet Data

Schedule XL allows you to create schedule views from one or more worksheets in one or more spreadsheets.

The Pain Point

Including data from sources outside of Revit into sheets for printing is very difficult.

Key Features

Multiple worksheets supported

Schedules can be created from multiple worksheets sourced from one or more spreadsheet files.

Updating of schedules

Schedule XL can update the schedule views when the original spreadsheet has changed.

Automatic updates

Schedules can be configured to automatically update when the Revit project is opened if the original spreadsheet has changed.

Sheet Assistant
Automated Sheet Creation and View Placement

Sheet Assistant places views on multiple existing or new sheets and aligns them according to specified layouts or templates.

The Pain Point

Creating dozens of sheets with similar layouts and characteristics is a time consuming process.

Key Features

Repeatable and Fast Sheet Production

Specify a source sheet or a previously saved configuration to produce sets of plans, elevations, details and more. Maintain consistent view placement across multiple sheets.

Update Sheets with More Accurate View Placement

Use Sheet Assistant to bring consistency to sheets previously created manually.

Standardize Common Sheet Types Across Multiple Projects

Create layout configurations that others can use to set up sheets for all of the organization’s projects and disciplines.


View Creator
Easily Create and Manage Views

This Revit add-in enables users to quickly and consistently create views in their projects. Create plan and reflected ceiling plan views by selecting combinations of levels, view templates and phases.

Key Features

Plan & ceiling views

Create floor plan and reflected ceiling views by selecting a combination of level, view template and phase.

Elevation, selection and detail creation

Ability to copy an elevation, section or detail view from one phase to another.

Dependent views

This tool supports a dependent view workflow based on the use of scope boxes. Create a scope box for each area of a building that will require a dependent view.


Duplicate schedules by phase or per level.

Sheets & title blocks

View and control title block usage across the sheets in a project. Each sheet in the current project is represented on a row.


The main function is to allow creation of new 3D views that each display a single selected workset.

Duplicate views

Ability for mass/repetitive duplication of multiple views.

View name separator

Control the characters that are inserted between name parts for any view created by this tool.

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